Life at SONHS

Whose life will you change today?

The U boasts over 270 clubs for everything from salsa dancing to SCUBA diving, more than 40 service groups, many chapters of national healthcare organizations, not to mention professional associations and honor societies like Sigma Theta Tau International.  

As a student at the School of Nursing and Health Studies, you’ll have endless opportunities to explore this dynamic community, engage with diverse populations and better the world. 

The SONHS is committed to supporting your novel, optimistic, world-changing journey, through clinical matching services, study abroad guidance, leadership training, faculty mentor connections and more. 

As you forge your own unique path to your goals, you’ll touch hearts, alleviate suffering and learn critical lessons along the way. And, yes, you’ll even change lives. Starting with your own.

Learn more about Life at the SONHS.

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Honoring alumni who have exemplified the professionalism, humanity and citizenship.
There are many opportunities to build the legacy of excellence in nursing.

As parents and family members, you are an integral part of the SONHS community.