Strategic Plan

At the School of Nursing and Health Studies, we transform lives and health care through education, research, innovation, and service across the hemisphere.

The School of Nursing and Health Studies is dedicated to transforming lives and health care through education, research, innovation, and service across the hemisphere.  This dedication is demonstrated through the school's Strategic Plan which supports the University’s priorities and long-term goals.  The plan's ultimate purpose is to strengthen the School of Nursing and Health Studies and enable it to fulfill its Mission, Vision, and Values.

Structured around the themes of — Administrative Excellence, Education for Life, Mission Driven Research, and Hemispheric Leadership —this transformative plan serves as the inspiration that will allow the School to not just dream, but do.


Administrative Excellence

Support and propel our mission and strategic pillars

  • Advance the culture of belonging and excellence throughout the school

  • Use data analytics to inform decisions

  • Generate revenue to support core activities and strategic initiatives


Education For Life

Emerge as a leader in shaping health care education across the lifespan

  • Maintain excellence in existing programs by systematizing enrollment management, integrating simulation across the curricula, and maintaining both above-average performance indicators and full accreditation of all programs

  • Develop new degree programs, and new tracks in existing programs, by addressing market demands and educational trends in nursing and health care, such as beneficial joint degree programs with university partners

  • Institute new professional education, stackable credentialing, and career enhancement offerings, expanding specialty fellowships, faculty training for clinical education, and clinical skills certificates / workshops


Mission Driven Research

Expand research portfolio in areas of disaster preparedness, family caregiving, global health, patient safety/outcomes, and vulnerable populations to achieve top 20 ranking in NIH funding for nursing schools

  • Create a biobehavioral technology core that provides expertise and support to integrate biological and behavioral variables

  • Form and support teams to build success in externally funded research through Scholarly Interest Groups (SIGs), key faculty hires, endowed chairs, and interdisciplinary grants

  • Leverage human and facilities resources to advance research and scholarship, capitalizing on the Simulation Hospital for Advancing Research & Education (S.H.A.R.E.®) and other strengths

  • Align pedagogical and clinical scholarship with identified areas of research portfolio, incorporating innovative scholarship in SIGs


Hemispheric Leadership

Become the leading force of health care education and scholarship in the Hemisphere 

  • Provide educational leadership in the hemisphere by leveraging expertise of the Simulation Hospital for Advancing Research & Education (S.H.A.R.E.) and on-site partner institutions, expanding faculty and student exchanges, and hosting international doctoral and postdoc students

  • Continue to provide hemispheric leadership through the PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing Human Resources Development and Patient Safety, promoting workforce development curricula and building capacity with other PAHO/WHO Centres

  • Develop collaborative scholarship with Latin American and Caribbean partners/global community through university resources, alumni and faculty, and the Global Health SIG
