Annual Giving

Regular, annual support from alumni, parents and friends is essential to the School of Nursing and Health Studies’ continued success. Every gift, regardless of size, makes a difference.

Annual donations supply the much-needed gift of flexibility, allowing the dean to respond quickly to new opportunities and the School’s most pressing needs.

Schoolwide Support – Greatest Needs

The Greatest Needs Fund supports a variety of necessities and requests: emergency provisions when a student faces an unplanned financial strain; faculty recruitment; operational vitality; desired student projects or other programs that provide hands-on training; and cutting edge technology.

Scholarship Fund

Scholarships offer students an opportunity to pursue a nursing education when financial and other obstacles may otherwise prevent them from attaining their dream. Financial support recognizes talent and a student’s will to achieve.

For doctoral candidates and master’s degree students, a financial award could determine whether they are able to pursue the degree.

Student Projects

SONHS students are encouraged to get involved in student activities that promote leadership and professionalism. These groups plan and conduct social, educational, and community services and represent the School at national competitions and conferences.

UM School of Nursing and Health Studies student groups include:  AAMN - American Association of Men in Nursing; HSSA - Health Studies Student Association; MNSA - Multicultural Nursing Student Association; NSA -  Nursing Student Association (NSNA Chapter school); and Sigma Theta Tau International: Beta Tau Chapter.

Study Abroad Program

At the UM SONHS, we are committed to cultivating nurse leaders who are culturally sensitive and well-educated to address health disparities worldwide. The SONHS’ international programs bring healing and hope to residents of distant regions, build partnerships with caregivers and educators abroad and transform the lives of participating students.

Faculty Support

Donor-endowed Chairs as well as funds to support scholarly leaves for faculty, research endeavors, innovative teaching, international exchanges, and recognition for excellence, are urgently needed.


The James W. McLamore Society

James W. McLamore’s name is synonymous with philanthropy and service. His incredible commitment helped to transform the University of Miami. Alumni and parents of the University honor the legacy of James W. McLamore by making leadership annual contributions that touch every area of the University.

The impact of your annual gift is powerful. Collectively, annual gifts influence the University’s ability to meet new opportunities and emerging needs while also honoring the timeless tradition of giving to the U. The newly established Loyalty Society recognizes committed alumni donors whose annual gifts serve as the foundation for the University of Miami’s growth.  Gifts of any amount, to any area of the University, given for two or more consecutive fiscal years count toward Loyalty Society participation. Alumni donors will qualify for membership upon their second consecutive year of making a gift every fiscal year. (May 31-June 1)
